Waking song today was a great reminder of what our life is all about. It is “I will love You Lord with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and all my strength.
Prophet prayer sessions with Jennifer LeClaire is really helping me to stand strong in faith in God’s delivering power. A prophet’s calling seems to be quite challenging indeed. Looking at the things coming in to my email, the word in our church’s daily chapter, and meetings and experiences, I am taking a moment to just jot down the things I am seeing in the word.
One minister friend of mine reminds me to stay rooted and built up in Christ and to have gratitude. I am also reminded that no matter what, I am complete IN HIM!
Another thing I am seeing in her words of encouragement to me are to continue to be grateful no matter what is going on in the battles we face each day. I’m so glad that God is for me and He is patient with me. I have been through so much these past two and a half years, and as hard as it may have been, God has been so good to me.
I am reminded to stop regretting my past, the things I didn’t get done yet, etc., etc., etc. I am reminded that the past is a lesson book to help me better prepare for my future. That future is to be a blessing to others. So as I go through the trial, I look up above myself to the Lord my God and continue to fly high above the storms. Today was a very stormy autumn day with the wind and the rain. Eagles fly high.
What matters most is that God keeps protecting us and bringing us through it to what we can choose to be a higher, deeper, closer place in Him. To just “BE” instead of always doing. Today I am grateful for every good thing the Lord has done for me and for Him just being here. I am grateful for the grace of God given to me in Christ Jesus. I am grateful for Jesus confirming me to the end. All according to 1 Corinthians 1. My desire is through Him to be found blameless in the day of Christ.
Also in that chapter, I look to the Lord for my wisdom, because mine will always fall short. To be led by His Spirit and speak His words of life over myself and others and stop speaking the problem, thereby fueling the darts of the attacks. Instead, when we speak life over ourselves and circumstances, then it is life that we will have. For all of this we can be so grateful – amen!
Today and everyday, may we invite God into our life and every detail of our day. Lean on Him for direction and pay attention to the signs of His leading. I am so grateful that His love wins in every trial and hurt. His love is peace. His love is joy. It is grace, mercy and forgiveness.
Today, after a long time away from writing, the thing God has called me to have a passion for, I am stepping out in faith with the hope of blessing and encouraging someone else, as God encourages me too. May this touch you and bring you something you needed to hear today in Jesus Name. Amen.